Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't, and Why, Second Edition: 12 Things You'd Better Do If You Want to Get Ahead
Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't, and Why, Second Edition: 12 Things You'd Better Do If You Want to Get Ahead
A revised and updated edition of the career advancement guide that advocates working smarter, not harder, from one of America's premier career consultants.
Do your job, do it well…
A revised and updated edition of the career advancement guide that advocates working smarter, not harder, from one of America's premier career consultants.
Do your job, do it well, and you’ll be rewarded, right?
Actually, probably not.
According to career guru Donald Asher, advancement at work is less about skillsets and more about strategy. The revised and expanded edition of WHO GETS PROMOTED, WHO DOESN’T, AND WHY details exactly what puts one employee on the fast track to an exceptional career, while another stays on the treadmill to mediocrity.
Whether you’re new to the workforce, repairing a recession-damaged career, or feeling stagnant and overlooked at work, this book is your ticket to advancement. Learn:
∙ why timing is more important than talent
∙ how corporations actually make promotion decisions
∙ how to avoid career mistakes you don’t even know you’re making
∙ what women in the workforce particularly need to know
∙ and the twelve proven strategies for promotion regardless of
your industry and experience
If you want to know how to control your career destiny, the solution is to work smarter, not harder. WHO GETS PROMOTED, WHO DOESN’T, AND WHY will help you do just that.
Naam | Waarde |
Interne referentie | 7464826601719 |
Merk | Engels editie Donald Asher (auteur) |
Product gewicht | 0 |
EAN | 9781607746003 |
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