Individualization of endurance developement in kettlebell sport: Training process in kettlebell sport
Individualization of endurance developement in kettlebell sport: Training process in kettlebell sport
Traditional training methods, which are not based on the athlete's individual characteristics, secure preconditions for reaching only medium-level results. This book is a summary of results of…
Traditional training methods, which are not based on the athlete's individual characteristics, secure preconditions for reaching only medium-level results. This book is a summary of results of several scientific researches in kettlebell sport. Studies are related to the planning of Individualization of endurance developement in kettlebell sport training process in kettlebell lifting. The results of this study extended the scope of knowledge about endurance and forearm muscle development in kettlebell lifting, promote the solution of sports. This Individualization of endurance developement in kettlebell sport book contains a scientifically based information about training program for development of overall and special endurance and forearm muscles, the functional condition and forearm muscles parameter model and recommendations for the development of functional condition in kettlebell sport. The book is intended for Latvian Academy of Sport Education sudents, for kettlebell lifting sport athletes and coaches as well as representatives of other sports, where strength endurance is main ability in physical conditioning. The provided information will increase the contingent competence in training process planning, individualization and strenght endurence developement.
Naam | Waarde |
Interne referentie | 7464872870135 |
Merk | Engels editie Maris Lescinskis (auteur) |
Product gewicht | 0 |
EAN | 9783639650501 |
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