Simple Snatch Programming for Kettlebells: Dominate the 100 Rep Snatch Test
Simple Snatch Programming for Kettlebells: Dominate the 100 Rep Snatch Test
The following manual is intended for individuals who are seeking to not only complete the 100 rep kettlebell snatch test in under a 5 minute timeframe, but also the ability to do so on a regular…
The following manual is intended for individuals who are seeking to not only complete the 100 rep kettlebell snatch test in under a 5 minute timeframe, but also the ability to do so on a regular basis. It is my belief that if a human being is able to acquire the ability to complete this feat on any given day, even to the extent that little or no warm-up is needed, that he or she will possess the strength and stamina for anything physical that they will need accomplish in regard to everyday life. It will also be of tremendous use for those who aspire to earn an instructor certification from an organization that requires the successful completion of the snatch test.
The concepts and the principles expanded upon can be highly effective for improving the snatch so long as they are consistently adhered to and progress is thoroughly measured and recorded. There are many ways to achieve the ability to snatch a kettlebell for 100 repetitions in under 5 minutes, and the methods to follow are a very simple and straightforward way of reaching this goal.
Naam | Waarde |
Interne referentie | 7464837349623 |
Merk | Engels editie ZAKARY MORRIS (auteur) |
Product gewicht | 0 |
EAN | 9798498275857 |
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