Master the Hip Hinge: The Foundation for Kettlebell Swings, Deadlifts, Cleans, and More.: 1
Master the Hip Hinge: The Foundation for Kettlebell Swings, Deadlifts, Cleans, and More.: 1
Whether you're a personal trainer wanting to get a deeper understanding of the hip hinge and be able to explain it properly to your clients, or whether you're wanting to start swinging a…
Whether you're a personal trainer wanting to get a deeper understanding of the hip hinge and be able to explain it properly to your clients, or whether you're wanting to start swinging a kettlebell, deadlift weights or perform bent-over rows, this book is for you.
The hip hinge is a fundamental movement in exercise. It is vital because knowing and performing it correctly will prevent injury and will allow you to work a large portion of the posterior chain muscles with one movement. Also, a lot of important exercises-such as the kettlebell swing, the traditional deadlift, bent-over row and many more-depend on this movement.
This book will cover every intricate detail of the hip hinge movement, explained and broken down in such a way that everyone can understand it; it's basic but at the same time advanced.
"No one should progress to exercises like the conventional deadlift, bent-over row, or the kettlebell swing without fully understanding the hip hinge movement." Anna Junghans (Gym Owner - Gym Elite)
"This publication is a great asset for fitness enthusiasts. It covers an under-appreciated yet vital element in functional movement, the hip hinge. I'm glad I got the opportunity to help contribute to this important topic. I hope you find it useful and informative and, most importantly, incorporate this valuable information into your fitness routine." Derek Fronczak (NESTA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Functional Training specialist)
"You are doing a great service to people who are new to kettlebells and fitness in general. Breaks my heart when I see a large class using their upper body to move kettlebells with the kettlebell swing." Tony Gomez
"The hip hinge is one of the fundamental movement patterns for human beings and Taco Fleur has provided a guide to help the reader own the movement. Broken down into component parts, with definitions and videos, this little ebook is big on performing the hip hinge correctly. It is sure to become a valuable addition to your reference library." Wendy Chappell
"Throughout my life I have attended many courses and workshops, from most I walked away thinking to myself that if they just changed the wording slightly, presented things differently, and did not assume everyone would know what they were talking about, then a lot more people would have benefited from the information provided. I have learned from these experiences and vowed not to make the same mistake writing this book." Taco Fleur (Owner of Cavemantraining)
Taco Fleur is a Qualified Kettlebell Coach with Level II credentials, IKFF CKT Level 1, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, MMA Fitness Level 2, MMA Conditioning Level 1, PUNCH, BJJ Purple Belt, and others.
Table of Contents
- Who Is This Book For?
- What Will You Learn?
- Definitions
- What Is It?
- What Is It Not?
- Quick Comparison
- Objective
- Confusion
- Daily Life Applications
- Exercise Applications
- Requirements
- What Are Hips?
- What Is a Hinge?
- Cavemantraining Definition of the Hip Hinge
- Posterior Chain
- Resistance
- One Or Two Joints?
- Dynamic vs Static
- Muscles
- Muscle Groups Worked
- Main Muscle Targets
- Details
- Hip Flexors
- Hip Extensors
- The Hip Hinge Four Phase Movement Pattern
- Caveman Kettlebell Swing Muscle Priming Routine
- Warm-up
- Muscle priming
- Hip Hinge Drills
- Corrections
- Back Aches and Pains
- Supercharge Your Weightlifting
- Cues
- What is "Pulling Yourself Down"?
- The Movement
- Hip Hinge Variations
- Incorrect Muscle Engagement
- Common mistakes
- Hip Mobility
Naam | Waarde |
Interne referentie | 7464873033975 |
Merk | Engels editie Taco Fleur (auteur) |
Product gewicht | 0 |
EAN | 9781092698412 |
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