Clipper L/B Nh Kompas
Clipper L/B Nh Kompas
Attach and make it part of your outdoor gear for easy direction taking
The compass that is part of your gear. Suunto attachable compasses form a natural part of outdoor gear, freeing up…
Attach and make it part of your outdoor gear for easy direction taking
The compass that is part of your gear. Suunto attachable compasses form a natural part of outdoor gear, freeing up hands and easing the mind.
Fastens to strap, sleeve or map edge
Operable in low light with luminescent markings
30 x 24 x 11 mm / 1.18 x 0.94 x 0.43
5 g / 0.18 oz
What's in the box?
Suunto Clipper L/B NH Compass
Liquid filled jewel bearing compass
Balanced for northern hemisphere
Cardinal directions in luminous prints on card
Direction on rotating bezel in 10 degrees increments
Clips to watch strap, sleeve, strap of backpack, side of map etc.
A fun, supercompact aid for underwater navigation
Suunto limited lifetime warranty
Made in Finland
Naam | Waarde |
Interne referentie | 122908 |
Merk | Suunto |
Kleur | Zwart |
MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) | CLIPPER L-B NH-Zwart |
EAN | 6417084041029 |
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